The brewery is using the Indiegogo platform to help it reach its $20,000 target that will allow it to make the investment.
They explained: “Our brewery here in central Alberta was started with a core ideal—to make the best beer possible. With the support of all of you we’ve had a fantastic first year doing just that and hope to continue that in years to come. To do so, we’ve found two Cognac foeders that we want to bring back to the brewery.
“These foeders will open up a wide array of beer possibilities for us and we’re very excited for them. Your help is truly appreciated in allowing us to continue to experiment and offer new, exciting beers for you to share with us.”
Outlining the brewery’s plans, Blindman Brewing said: “We need two foeders, not just one. The ability to blend and stagger brews is important because the beer will be in these foeders for months and years at a time. And shipping big oak tanks out of France is not the cheapest thing in the world.
“So, we need the 20 thousand dollars to order the 2x 30 hL (hectoliter, 1 hL = 100 L) foeders and ship them here. (i.e. $5538 USD/per plus ~$4000USD for shipping)
“Being previously filled with Cognac we are excited and hope that we can extract some of the delicious Cognac-ness and impart it into the first beers we run through the foeders. There is a wealth of beer styles that we are able to put into these vessels and our eyes are wide with the possibilities.”
In return, Blindman Brewing is giving backers the opportunity to receive the first two commerical batches (one from each foeder) that they rack into the foeders. They are also offering other incentives.
“The new centrepieces of our brewery. If the Cognac character is present in the oak these are the two and only two beers that will have it,” they added.