Tit for tat hits cans

While US President Donald Trump might be making America great again, he seems to be going out of his way to hurt the beer industry, all thanks to his trade war with China.

US brewers could be facing as early as 1 October a new tariff on aluminium cans, the second one to have hit the beer industry since last year.

Why this could matter to you? When the world’s largest user of aluminium cans is suddenly facing higher costs for materials, you know they’ll start looking elsewhere for supplies or make backdoor deals.

According to the Beer Institute, Trump’s ongoing tariffs amount to a $347 million annual tax on the US beer industry. If one of Trump’s famous “deals” cannot be reached with China to end the trade war, costs to the beer industry will rise even higher.

Brewbound said that Cask Global Canning Solutions has alerted customers that an additional line item for the tariffs would appear on invoices for all cans purchases beginning 1 September. Expect a major rush on the market to start immediately during the last days of August.