When it comes to pickles, Toronto’s Henderson Brewing Company plans way ahead.
Join the brewery next year on 18 October for Picklefest, a celebration of all things preserved, pickled and fermented. Food, beer, markets, games, contests and more will be at the event, held in the brewery’s parking lot. This will be a dog and kid friendly event.
A bit closer in time, Henderson has announced the release of a new beer for the last days of summer [early autumn?], as well as the return of a stout.
Monsoon Tropical Sour (3.7% abv) is a fruited sour ale with “passionfruit, orange, guava, and pineapple all melded together up front, followed by an bright sourness that follows through to the finish.”
Export Stout (7% abv) was originally released as the November 2017 edition of the brewery’s monthly Ides Series, and took a gold medal in the 2018 Canadian Brewing Awards. Henderson describes it as having notes of “chocolate and roast up front, with a touch of toffee, biscuit, and dried fig.”