If you want to know what drink is becoming a consumer favourite, look no further that the US state of Kentucky were there are 9.1 million barrels of bourbon and aging spirts, according to VinePair. This is in a state with around 4.5 million people.
Last Wednesday, the Kentucky Distillers’ Association (KDA) tweeted :
“Terrific news! Kentucky now has 2 barrels of #Bourbon and aging spirits for every person in the Commonwealth! Barrel inventory topped 9 million last year for first time in modern era; distillers also filled more than 2 million barrels for first time since records kept in 1967.”
“This is a historic day that cements Kentucky’s rightful title as the one, true and authentic home for Bourbon and distilled spirits,” the president of the KDA Eric Gregory told WKYT News. “It’s also further proof of Kentucky Bourbon’s monumental economic impact and ever-increasing demand,” Gregory added.
While that number of barrels sounds impressive, once bottled they can fill 2,434,250,000 bottles. No wonder that many pundits are saying that beer drinkers are beginning to switch over to distilled spirits and no wonder that some breweries are adding distilling to their game.