A craft brewery believes is sales volume surpassing the 100,000-barrel mark this year due to a decision to package its two flagship beers in cans for the first time.
“A huge chunk of our growth has come through cans this year,” Allagash Brewing Company sales director Naomi Neville told Brewbound. “And we only had 16 oz. 4-packs of cans in two different brands, so it’s not like we started with a lot of different versions of cans.”
After a successful regional introduction in 2019, the Portland, Maine-based craft brewery announced today plans to expand distribution of its canned offerings to additional markets and the addition of 12-packs.
“It’s just opened up a lot of doors for us, places we’ve never been before,” Neville told Brewbound. “Hopefully, the 12-pack will get more space in the coolers now that the 16 oz. cans have proven themselves.”
For the complete story, go here.