A pub landlord in England is delivering free pints for anyone who stays indoors, reports the Metro.
The Watermead Inn’s Kelvin Wong said the pub’s team decided to thank locals for their support ‘over the last nine years’ by bringing them a drink at home.
Anyone wishing to receive a free cold beer just needs to leave a pint glass two metres away from their front door. Kelvin said: “No contact with the glass will be made, as we will be pouring it via a jug. ‘If you see or hear the trailer just wave from a distance, we will be parking on the street of Watermead. I will not be serving if you are not indoors.”
This last Tuesday he delivered more than 600 pints to residents in the Aylesbury village before the beer ran out. He told the Bucks Herald it had been nice to get out in his trailer which had been sitting “gathering dust”.
He said: “I run the Watermead Inn and Miya in Aylesbury, and we have a lot of tap barrels sitting about that can’t be returned and the insurance company won’t help us either, so it would be a shame for it to go to waste. I wanted to give it to the community in Watermead.”
For the full story, go here.