With the goal to help beer lovers support independent craft breweries, Beer Finder was created to be the ultimate online directory to satisfy a thirst for Ontario craft beer. COVID-19 has brought significant challenges to the beer industry with the sudden, and unexpected closures of tap rooms, restaurants, and bars, but many breweries have quickly pivoted their businesses to offer pick-up and delivery options. Thanks to the growing online opportunities to purchase Ontario craft beer directly from the brewery, consumers are in the fortunate position to be able to continue to enjoy their favourite beverages, while supporting small and independent local businesses to ensure their survival.
Beer Finder is a passion-project initially created by a beer-loving web developer who suddenly, like many Canadians, found himself recently out of work. “In all honesty, I just wanted a way to find out who was selling milkshake IPAs without having to go to every brewery’s website one by one,” said Cam Sloan, founder and creator. “It made me think – there must be other local beer lovers with the exact same problem, and with direct delivery being the best and safest option right now, I saw an opportunity to help an industry that I love and that I saw presented with new and unique challenges.”
Beer Finder allows beer lovers to quickly and efficiently search through an up-to-date list of more than 1,000 Ontario craft beers currently available for either pickup or delivery by a number of different keywords or search terms including style, ingredient or delivery area. The website empowers local and independent beer supporters to continue to purchase directly from all of their favourite breweries with the ease of a single website and encourages them to explore and discover new options. With beer from over 100 Ontario craft breweries already available to search and more coming online daily, users can keep up-to-date on new releases and available product through Beer Finder and then with an easy click are re-directed to purchase directly from the brewery with no additional fees or charges.
The website has attracted more than 10,000 users in its first two weeks and is adding hundreds of new users daily. The Beer Finder team encourages all Ontarians to support local independent breweries, and to stay safe.
Visit beerfinder.ca for a complete listing of beers and breweries.
Instagram @beerfinderca
All media inquiries may be directed to Cam Sloan at team@beerfinder.c