Nielsen has been monitoring the regular consumption of craft beer drinkers and the results are in from their sixth annual Craft Beer Insights Poll (CIP), conducted on behalf of not-for-profit trade group the Brewers Association (BA). They found that the legal age customer is consuming craft beer more than ever before. Up 1% from last year (44%) are people who are drinking craft brews several times a year. In addition, it was found that women represented 8% of that increase with the largest increase being the age group of 35-44-year old’s.
“Yes, craft beer drinkers are promiscuous,” said VP of Nielsen’s beverage alcohol practice Danelle Kosmal. “Weekly craft beer drinkers are even more promiscuous and really engaged in other types of alcohol segments, so it’s becoming more and more difficult for us to really identify that competitive scope and set of who are the competitors to craft beer, to your particular brewery and brand.”
Although off-premise beer sales have topped $1 billion in every week but one since Memorial Day weekend, with Covid-19 playing a role in beer sales this year, sales of beer and cider have actually increased at 19.9%. Another fact Nielsen found is that cans represented 50% of craft beer dollar sales in off-premise channels with a steady increase since 2016.
For the full report, click here.