BrewDog Creates Own Forest to Become Carbon Negative

Internationally known craft brewery – BrewDog – made an announcement this week that included becoming carbon negative by investing $35 million on a plan to remove twice as much carbon from the air than it emits every single year.
Plans to accomplish said task include the purchase of 2,050 acres of Scottish Highlands to create the BrewDog Forest, where they plan to plant one million trees over the next few years.
“Woodland creation of this scale is at the forefront of the fight to sequester atmospheric carbon in the U.K. and the BrewDog Forest will be one of the largest native woodlands created in the U.K. for many years,” said David Robertson, Director, Scottish Woodlands.
In advance of this announcement, BrewDog has been working closely with one of the world’s leading experts in carbon foot-printing and sustainability, the lead scientific advisor Professor Mike Berners-Lee and his team at Small World Consulting.
The BrewDog Forest is expected to get going early next year and would promote biodiversity, natural flood reduction driving economic agricultural development.
For the full story, click here.