Trebodur Creates Biodegradable Beer Rings Made from Spent Grain

Trebodur is a fully natural and biodegradable material solely made from brewers‘ spent grain. The 100% organic material is made from biodegradable packaging made from waste products that would otherwise be disposed of.
Trebodur is mixed with a binding agent in order to make it a functional solution for several things such as being used as a replacement for beer can plastic rings to keep cans together, making it sustainably disposable after use without having to go to the landfill. At the end of the life cycle, products made from Trebodur can be easily composted without residues. Due to its natural origin, the material decays quickly, even on garden compost heaps. It is also possible to add substances like minerals, ashes or even plant seeds to the material to supply the soil.
The Trebodur organic material can be composted without leaving behind any harmful residue or waste.