Winners of the 2020 Canadian Brewing Awards Announced on Sunday

The Annual Canadian Brewing Awards is Canada’s national competition for judging the quality of Canadian manufactured beer inviting Canadian majority-owned breweries of all sizes to compete in a Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP). The competition involves sanctioned blind tasting determining the best beers in 55 style categories. Due to COVID-19, the 18th annual award ceremonies and conference took on a virtual approach this year with the winners being announced Sunday evening via an online streaming event.
Some of the winning provinces to note are Alberta who took home several Gold metals including for best European Style Lager (Pilsner), European Style Amber to Dark Lager and Bock – Traditional German Style and Ontario who took home Gold in the categories of Belgian-Style Tripel and Belgian-Style Abbey Ale / Pale Ale among others.
For a full list of Sunday night’s winners, click here.