Owner of Stella Artois and Budweiser Brands Launches Blockchain Trial

AB InBev, the brewer behind brands like Budweiser, Stella Artois and Corona, has launched a blockchain trial in Europe. Developed by Belgian blockchain startup SettleMint, beer drinkers can scan a QR code on the beer’s packaging and will be taken on a journey of traceability in the supply chain of barley.

AB InBev already works directly with 60 percent of its farming base, (35,000 barley growers across 13 countries and the five continents) but this pilot is focused on the indirect farmers that compose the remaining 40 percent of the brewer’s barley supply, most of which are located in Europe.

The pilot will link 80 barley farmers across the North East of France with one malthouse in Antwerp and Stella Artois’ brewery in Leuven. AB InBev will then use the platform’s information to aggregate and benchmark data that can improve the productivity, profitability, and environmental footprint across the network.

“At scale, the data collected will not only provide a fully end-to-end view of the supply chain to consumers, but can help to advance agricultural development: improving growers yields and water and energy efficiency, as well as soil health,” said AB InBev during an announcement.