Renaissance BioScience Corp., a leading global bioengineering company, published a landmark paper on lager yeast development in the February 2021 issue of Applied and Environmental Microbiology (Volume 87, Issue 3) detailing its latest discovery on non-GMO lager yeast strains that will help broaden the diversity of commercial lager beer strains for both major global beer producers and smaller craft breweries.
“Industrially Applicable De Novo Lager Yeast Hybrids with a Unique Genome Architecture: Creation and Characterization,” by Turgeon et al, outlines how this advance was developed and how producers have the ability to create novel variations by using this method and enjoy benefits such as having a wider temperature tolerance range.
“This yeast technology is ready to begin commercial usage and applications. Congratulations to our team on this exciting advance,” says Renaissance BioScience CEO John Husnik. “We’re about to enter a whole new world of lager beer innovation.”
“Our expert research and development team has developed an elegant and highly rigorous approach to developing lager strains that has significant potential to expand flavor profiles and improve the industrial efficiency of beermaking,” said Zachari Turgeon, Principal Scientist and the paper’s lead author. “In addition, the Renaissance platform approach could be combined with our patented hydrogen sulfide-preventing technology to reduce or even eliminate the off-aroma hydrogen sulfide, a common concern for lager beermakers everywhere, and this provides patent protection for any lager yeast innovations produced with our technology. We look forward to discussions with beer producers and master brewers about our paper and the Renaissance approach to yeast strain improvements.”
“The Renaissance approach in making commercially applicable and highly valuable lager strains could also be combined with yeast advances and technologies previously developed by other researchers to produce protected enhanced strains,” said Jessica Swanson, Lead Development Scientist and Beverage Unit Manager. “Most importantly, all of these innovation possibilities will have significant benefits for beer consumers around the world.”