The B.C. government has given a temporary authorization to bars and restaurants to sell draught beer in growlers to patrons who purchase a meal. This allowance will be in place until June 6, 2021, allowing Liquor Primary and Food Primary licensees to package beer in growlers for off-site consumption.
“We know it’s a tough time for the food and beverage sector, and we continue to work closely with industry representatives to be nimble and find ways to support the many restaurants, pubs and other establishments,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
The rule was set into place to help the industry when the pandemic first struck but was rescinded on July 13, 2020, after on-site service was resumed. With things once again pausing across the country, the BC government has once again allowed the filling of growlers to patrons.
“I also want to extend my appreciation to the businesses that are adhering to the PHO orders and helping to keep British Columbians safe as we navigate this new wave of COVID-19 cases,” said Farnworth.
This change will provide businesses with a liquor license the opportunity to sell draught beer that would otherwise be at risk of spoiling.