Vancouver Brewery Releases Green Screen IPA

Vancouver’s R&B Brewing has released a unique new brew which reflects the current times of weekly video calls.
Their new Green Screen IPA takes a crack at zoom calls and how exhausting it can be. The IPA has been designed to be made virtually invisible while you enjoy them.
The beer comes in a nearly-all-green tall can, with instructions on how to make it invisible during video calls.
Green Screen IPA is labeled as an unprecedented beer for an unprecedented times and here’s how it works:
1) Open your video meeting software in full screen
2) Sit in front of your screen as if you were in a meeting (with mirroring off)
3) Screen capt your full image
4) Open preferences, and choose “Virtual Background”
5) Use the screen cap as your virtual background and check “I have a green screen”
6) Hold up your Green Screen IPA with the blank side facing the camera. To improve the effect, manually pick the color for the green screen from the label
The result is that the green screen technology makes the can disappear.
The design was produced by St. Bernadine Mission Communications and the cans are available at select locations in Vancouver.