How one Brewery in Calgary Made it Through the Pandemic

As the brewing industry continues to pull itself out of the red from the hit everyone has taken over the last 18 months, it looks like things might be turning the corner for some sort of normalcy. And while it’s been a tough year, one brewery out in Calgary, Alberta refused to lay any of his employees off and kept all of his staff intact with no wage cuts either. Wayne Arsenault, CEO of Big Rock Brewery, knew it would be a tough year with everything being slashed but he got creative and anticipated the future of the industry and how he and his team could proceed forward.

With more and more people staying home, there was a huge increase in sales via major grocery chains (up 300 percent) in the first quarter of this year and ready-to-drink beverages increased upwards of 79 percent.

As sales started to increase, Arsenault decided to launch some new products during this time and hired a new brewmaster.

Click here for the full story. 

Photo courtesy of Big Rock Brewery