Lallemand Brewing has announced the upcoming release of its latest innovation LalBrew Pomona™ Modern Hybrid IPA Yeast..
LalBrew Pomona™ is a hybrid yeast that was selected for flavour and fermentation performance in hoppy beers. Named after the goddess of fruit trees, LalBrew Pomona™ produces “a unique and juicy flavour profile with notes of peach, citrus, and tropical fruits”.
This strain was developed by Lallemand’s partner Escarpment Laboratories, an innovative Canadian yeast company and industry leader in solution-based yeast selection and hybridization.
“We used yeast breeding to cross a highly aromatic strain with a super robust and reliable strain. Then we used a process called adaptive lab evolution to adapt it to the unique fermentation conditions of IPAs, enhancing biotransformation and haze,” said Richard Priess, Co-founder of Escarpment Laboratories.
The result of this research and selection is a fruity, stress-tolerant, and robust strain that enhances biotransformation and haze for modern IPA styles. This product is now available in 500g, and in 11g sachets in the coming months.
SOURCE: Brewers Journal UK