Square Sheep Films has announced the production of a groundbreaking limited documentary series, “Brewing Under Northern Skies – The Rise Of Edmonton’s Microbreweries.” Comprising 14 captivating episodes, this series promises to immerse viewers in the vibrant world of craft beer culture in Edmonton.
Producer Mike Wivell expressed his excitement about the project, stating, “The beauty of the series lies in its ability to present each episode as a standalone masterpiece, while collectively offering a genuine portrayal of a blue-collar city united by its passion for craft beer.”
“Brewing Under Northern Skies” not only showcases the microbreweries dotting Edmonton’s landscape but also delves into the fascinating realms of malting, hop cultivation, and agriculture. Filmed meticulously over an intensive eight-month period, the series is a testament to the collaborative efforts of Mike Wivell, Kaden Sczesny, and Mat Matthews, who spared no effort in delivering a visually stunning and insightful documentary experience.
Several episodes of the series have already been entered into prestigious film festivals, with the production team eagerly seeking to find the series’ debut a home on mainstream platforms. To keep enthusiasts informed, a dedicated website has been launched, offering the latest updates and exclusive insights into the featured breweries.
For more information and to stay updated on “Brewing Under Northern Skies – The Rise Of Edmonton’s Microbreweries,” visit: https://
SOURCE: Square Sheep Films
PHOTO CREDIT: Square Sheep Films