Boomstick Brewing goes Nitrogen

When faced with the high cost of carbon dioxide and the environmental issues surrounding CO2,  Newfoundland’s Boomstick Brewing decided to go with nitrogen.

In a press released by Atlas Copco and published in Canadian Packaging, it states that the team at Boomstick Brewing envisioned a solution to that serious problem: using inert nitrogen (N2) onsite with high purity thus increasing environmental responsibility as well as reducing carbon dioxide costs. They saw another brewery in Atlantic Canada using a nitrogen generator and began evaluating the benefits and challenges with nitrogen.

Boomstick found the Atlas Copco nitrogen generator easy to install, they were able to plumb it in themselves with only a couple of tweaks by Atlas Copco before commission.

During formal commissioning (six hours to full purity), Boomstick’s team was trained on the new Atlas Copco Nitrogen generator (the NGP8+) and on the new Atlas Copco compressor (the GX4FF).

The following day the purity on the generator was 99.9997 percent and free from any appreciable oxygen. Head brewer Mike Wayne was pleased to learn the biggest impurity from Atlas Copco’s NGP8+ was argon. “I’m incredibly impressed by this set-up and I see more brewers jumping on-board with this. I’m excited to start aging trials and I’m thinking of using 5×9 (99.999% purity) N2 around the brewery from early on[which will keep my oxygen levels incredibly low.”

With Atlas Copco’s reliable N2 gas production, there is no need for laborious carbon dioxide cylinders, or expensive tank rentals, or even lengthy service contracts.

For the full story in Canadian Packaging, go here.