Econse has tied with St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences (River Institute) to launch the project at the Ontario Craft Brewers Conference in Toronto this October.
Craft Beer Waterprints measure and analyzes the wastewater that craft breweries produce to help improve their water quality and make it easier to meet local wastewater targets.
The River Institute received funding in addition to both technical and business advisory services from the National Research Council of Canada’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC’s IRAP) to support the Craft Brewers Waterprints project.
Louis Savard, program leader of applied research and technical services with the River Institute, said, “We’ve been focused on practical research initiatives that can be used by industry quickly and easily.
“Our goal from the year-long project is to give craft brewers results within a month that they can apply right away in a step-wise approach to wastewater management.”
Derek Davy who heads up business development at Econse, explained: “We are excited to partner with the River Institute to help small to midsized breweries understand their waterprint so that they can make informed decisions about their operations and have a positive impact on their community.”