Kitsilano is located in the west end of Vancouver, British Columbia and this may come as a shock to most people – there are no breweries in that neighbourhood. However, three locals, who happen to be friends, have decided to change that. James Boileau, Andrew Lavigne, and Dana Barnaby are launching Kits Beach Beer Summer Ale, named after the popular beach.
“We said ‘Let’s make a beer for drinking at the beach,'” said Boileau. “We wanted something that was easy, refreshing and synonymous with summertime and having fun with friends outside in the sun.”
And that isn’t where it stops. There are three other flavours on the way including Kits Grapefruit Ale, Kits Summer Radler and Kits Winter with a ginger beer not too far behind in production.
“Vancouver has over 25 beer companies but we’re the only one on the west side,” said Lavigne.
Unfortunately, due to the city’s zoning bylaw, there is no place for a brewery in Kitsilano.
The hope is that at some point, they’ll be able to launch in the neighbourhood but for now, Boileau, Lavigne and Barnaby are happy to be launching Kits Beach Beer, which is brewed at Settlement Brewing’s facility along with launching merch including hats, t-shirts, tote bags, beach blankets and biodegradable sunglasses.
Photo courtesy of Kits Beach Beer