In a recent announcement, Steam Whistle Brewing decided to discontinue all of its Steam Whistle brands and only continue to sell its Pilsner.
“When we first wrote the Steam Whistle Brewing business plan in 1998, our vision was to be the most respected premium beer in Canada. A lofty goal for three young entrepreneurs just starting out – Greg Taylor, Cam Heaps and Greg Cromwell. However, they weren’t new to the beer world, having worked together at an Ontario microbrewery in the 90’s until it was bought out by a conglomerate and subsequently closed. The self-named Three Fired Guys understood that to reach their goal of excellence for Steam Whistle, they’d need both focus and discipline. They set aside variety to focus on quality, doing what no other brewery in North America was doing – making only one beer.
After 20 years of staying true to one style of beer, we fulfilled the many requests from our fans to do more things really well by adding new beer styles into the mix. From 2019 to 2021, we launched Steam Whistle Pale Ale, Session Lager, Lemon Shandy and Harvest Lager. However, in chasing the craft trends we found the time and energy to make so many beers was diluting our efforts. What we did best was focus on brewing the best possible Pilsner. And so, this summer, we have made the decision to discontinue our brand extensions and renewed our commitment to Do One Thing Really, Really Well.
We are again fulfilling our mission to brew a Pilsner that would compete with the best in the world. Steam Whistle Pilsner is created from a distinctive recipe based on Europe’s renowned brewing standards, made fresh and locally at our independent, Canadian Brewery. Using only four all-natural ingredients: premium malted barley, hops, water , and yeast.
They say you can’t become good at something without doing it a lot. Malcolm Gladwell estimates it would require at least 10,000 hours to master something. The Good Beer Folks are wholly dedicated to brewing the best Pilsner, in a way that is most pure, most difficult, and most uncommon. We proudly announce that we’re doing one thing really, really well (again). We think this is a noble ambition and hope you agree.” said the release.