International News

Guinness Invests in a £73 Million Move to Help London Economy

London’s Chancellor Rishi Sunak is supporting the major investment by Guinness in the heart of the West End. The £73 million move to create a Guinness microbrewery, event space, store and restaurant in Covent Garden was a “crucial vote of confidence” in the capital that would help “drive forward London’s economy as we leave Covid…

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Hop Growers of America 2021 Stat Release

The Hop Growers of America released its 2021 Stat Pack, a report that compiles the most recent figures and trends in the U.S. hop industry. Despite the growing challenges throughout the season, the U.S. hop industry emerged from 2021 with a record-breaking hop production of 116.5 million lbs. Commercial acreage increased 4 percent and total…

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Non-alcoholic Beer That Tastes Like Beer

Former co-founder of Mill Street, Steve Abrams, and his partners have launched a non-alcoholic beer –Harmon’s — that actually tastes like beer. “Being in the beer industry for a long time, it can take its toll on you,” said Abrams. “I had just hit that point where I said, I have to hit the brakes.”…

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