
Beau’s 5K for Ovarian Cancer Canada raises $42,388, despite pandemic

6th annual edition goes virtual; new total funds raised since 2015 tops $205,000. Beau’s Brewing Co. put on its 6th annual 5K run/walk for Ovarian Cancer Canada this past weekend, on Saturday July 4. The event had 181 participants and raised $42,388 for the not-for-profit dedicated to helping women affected by this cancer. Typically, the…

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NBWA Released Beer Purchasers’ Index for June 2020

The National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA) has released the Beer Purchasers’ Index (BPI) for June 2020. According to the release, the total BPI reached a record high of 81, undoubtedly rising over last year’s reading of 48 in June 2019. The data recorded for June’s BPI was documented between June 10 through June 19, which…

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Production Tax Rate Drops for Mid-Sized Brewers in Saskatchewan

Earlier this week, The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) announced that they are reducing some production taxes for larger regional breweries.  This advantage, however, will not apply to smaller craft breweries but does bring the provinces’ tax rates closer to those of other provinces. For every litre of beer Canadian breweries sell in Saskatchewan,…

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Stanley Park Brewing releases at-home Beer Festival Kit

Vancouver-based brewery, Stanley Park Brewing, has created an innovative beer kit to help those suffering from beer festival season withdrawal.  Since beer festivals are a great way to discover beers, Stanley Park Brewing has created an experience where consumers can explore brands and styles and support and celebrate local breweries. The At Home Beer Festival…

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Red Barn Brewing Now Open in Ontario

It was a Canada Day celebration for Ontario’s newest farm-based brewery, Red Barn Brewing, opening its doors in Blenheim, Ontario’s Chatham-Kent region. Inspired by their family’s legacy and history from living on the farm, in 2014, Denny Vervaet and Dan English started making their own craft beer.  The farm sits on 100 acres of 3rd…

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BC Brewer Highlight-Gary Lohin

What’s Brewing Magazine is celebrating its 30th Anniversary and as part of their celebrations, they are shedding a spotlight on some of the early pioneers of BC’s brewing scene. One of those highlights is celebrating one of Metro Vancouver’s first real brewpubs, opened by Gary Lohin.  He is the head brewer at Central City Brewers…

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Olds College Brewery Launches Traceable Beer

Olds College Brewery has created a unique traceable beer using blockchain technology and barley.  Launching Barley Trail, their first fully transparent beer using malt barley grown on the Olds College Smart Farm with Decisive Farming and Grain Discovery’s technology, Field to Glass is the brainchild of Decisive Farming, Grain Discovery, Red Shed Malting and the…

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Make it a Canadian

Canada’s Oldest brewery, Molson Canadian, has set out on a mission to help celebrate Canada Day.   Since 1786, seven generations of Molson have been brewing in Canada and they want to celebrate all Canadian beer brands this week by creating a case of Canadian only beer.  Molson is inviting their fellow brewers across Canada to…

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The Rise and Fall of Beer Trends

Statistics revealed both the challenges and confident gains of Canadian beer trends in 2019.  From environmental leadership to domestic production and the number of brewing facilities, percentages both rose and fell both nationally and provincially. Brewing Facilities Since most Canadian breweries are small (94% capacity), it was an interesting find that the number of brewing…

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NO PEOPLE. NO FARM. NO BEER.™ is the new initiative from Roy Farms.  Roy Farms is the world’s largest independent brewery-direct hop farm and The NO BEER Brand is a first-of-its-kind craft beer which features empty beer cans intended to celebrate the hard work of all the people around the world who work at hop…

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