
Melvin Brewing Hires New CEO

The award-winning brewpub, Melvin Brewing, has announced the hiring of Frank Magazine as their new CEO.  Based in Alpine, Wyoming, the Mothership of the three establishments was founded by Jeremy Tofte who will work with Magazine, who brings 35 years of industry experience to Melvin.  The hire comes after manufacturing declined by 6% last year,…

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The Roundhouse Craft Beer Festival Goes Virtual for 2020

Each year, The Roundhouse Craft Beer Festival is hosted by Steam Whistle Brewing in Roundhouse Park, the heart of downtown Toronto.  The festival was created to provide beer lovers the opportunity to sample Ontario’s finest craft brews and delicious eats from Toronto’s best Food Trucks. This year, the Summer Craft Beer Fest will be taking…

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GEA’s T.VIS® Control Head with IO-Link Begins its Sales July 1, 2020

GEA is one of the largest suppliers of food processing and related industries specializing in machinery, and plants as well as process technology and components. Last year, the company generated consolidated revenues of over EUR 4.9 billion and generates around 70 percent of its revenue in the food and beverages sector that enjoys long-term sustainable…

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Wiley Roots Raises $5,500 to Help Fight COVID-19

A brewery in Greeley, Colorado announced that it raised $5,500 last month with proceeds to help fight COVID-19. Wiley Roots Brewing Company released a blood orange hard seltzer in 16 oz four-packs called Howl at the Moon Together to raise money to supply local organizations with needed sanitizer and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including gloves and masks. …

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Kawartha Craft Beer Festival Announces Virtual Edition for 2020

Some good news out of Peterborough, Ontario!  The Kawartha Craft Beer Festival (KCBF) will be hosting a special virtual edition. This year’s event was cancelled due to COVID-19 so this is welcome news for beer fans. The Virtual Kawartha Craft Beer Festival, presented in partnership with Electric City Works, will offer “the best of Ontario…

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Phillips Brewing for Heroes

Phillips Brewing & Malting Co. has teamed up with Vancouver’s Whitecaps FC to create a special limited-edition craft beer called “Village Hero.” Inspired by the Whitecaps and featuring the artwork of Carson Ting which was used in a limited run of prints, this special 473ml can share the spirit of the nightly seven o’clock ovations for…

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Royal City Brewing Brings Back Lantern Ale for Guelph Black Heritage Society

Royal City Brewing has released their Lantern Ale for an exclusive summer flight. The unfiltered blond ale is smooth, light and fresh with a slightly hoppy note.  It was made in association with the Guelph Black Heritage Society (GBHS) and normally released each February to honour Black History Month.  Each can sold will contribute 50…

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RTD Beverages: Brewing reimagined

As beer growth slows, traditional breweries are looking beyond beer to hard seltzer and other spirit blends. And they’re finding the brewing process very accommodating, explains Steve Grundy, founder and CEO of Top 5 Solutions. Beer makers face tough times.” – IndustryWeek “Beer sales stay flat.” – USA Today “Beer is dying.” – CNN  …

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An Irish Pub Gets Tech Savvy via The Guardian that an Irish pub is using a drone to bring drinks to the community during the shutdown. McKeever’s Bar and Lounge is using a drone to deliver drinks to locals during the coronavirus pandemic. This is just one way that many of the country’s famous bars and pubs are trying…

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Author Scott Messenger Releases Book: Tapping The West

TAPPING THE WEST – How Alberta’s Craft Beer Industry Bubbled Out of an Economy Gone Flat The story behind Alberta’s craft beer boom. An insider’s look that brings together tasting notes, social history, politics, and science. • In 2013, Alberta eliminated its law around mandatory minimum brewing capacity. At the time, there were roughly a…

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