
Nitrogenated craft beers ‘under-serviced’

Brewdog’s US chief revenue officer Adam Lambert tells Brewbound that there is room in the market for more nitrogenated craft beers. The Scottish-based company will come out in the first quarter a nitrogenated version of Jet Black Heart with espresso both on draft and in 16 oz cans. Other new products for 2020 include Brewdog’s…

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New rose from Horton Ridge

Nova Scotia’s first craft malt house and brewery has released a beer which should put a red glow in your winter’s day. Ridge Rosé, a farmhouse-inspired pale ale, has been sitting on Muscat grape skins for almost two months, giving the beer an amazing flavour and aroma, while souring the 5% ABV beer, says Horton…

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‘Can never be enough beer’

“2020 trends will be lower-calorie, lower-carb craft beers that still feature interesting features,” according to an interview in The Beer Connoisseur with Jim Koch of Boston Beer and Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head. The two major craft breweries merged last year, setting shock waves throughout the industry. “As a brewer and a beer drinker, I’ve…

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Big and cheap goes craft

US beer giant Pabst Brewing, which is famed for its low-cost Pabst Blue Ribbon beer brand – known by fans as simply PBR – has launched a new craft beer brand, complete with a flagship beer ‘Seabird IPA’. Unlike most of the big brewers which do all they can to hide their ownership of a…

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Bringing local terroir to your beer

Sounding more like the tree-character Groot in The Guardians of the Galaxy, gruit beer was made up of a combination of roots, flowers and herbs back in Europe’s Medieval period. Now, brewers on both sides of the Atlantic and Israel are either seeking to duplicate gruit, or to take the best of the style and…

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White Claw summer of drink

For all of you who still think there is nothing to this hard seltzer craze, think again. Brewbound reports that Mark Anthony Brands has selected Glendale, Arizona, as the location of its $250 million West Coast production facility. This in on top of $135 million being dropped on a new plant in New Jersey making…

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Rescue flight delivers beer

A Royal Navy pilot on a beer rescue mission in Australia found that locals in a town cut-off by bush fires were “extremely pleased” with the 20 kegs and four pallets of beer he delivered during a seven-hour mission. “The Australians like a beer, it turns out,” reported The Independent. According to PlymouthLive, Lieutenant Commander Nick…

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Craft distillery now doing craft beer

While the natural progression has been craft brewers getting into craft distilling, the Nova Scotia Spirit Company has taken the opposite tack. After two-years of planning and development, the distilling company has launched the Painted Boat Beer company in Stellarton, Nova Scotia. “It was kind of a natural progression,” company president Alex Rice told The Coast…

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US hard seltzer war heating up in 2020

Constellation Brands, which brings to the US brands such as Corona and other Mexican and Mexican-style beers, will be launching this March a massive $40 million marketing blitz to introduce its new Corona Hard Seltzer. “We’re prepared to have one of the biggest introduction spends that we’ve ever had against a single brand,” CEO Bill…

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A different take on Dry January

Powell River’s Townsite Brewery has re-released Yogn 82 Belgian Triple, coming to you at a strong 9% ABV. In a story first picked up by Canadian Beer News, the brewery says: “This beer is a citrus gem with a nice thick head on top and a beautiful floral hop nose from the Stryian Golding hops…

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