
Decade’s 35 most important US craft breweries

For better or worse, when it comes to craft beer the USA is the tail that wags the dog. In 2010, there were 1,759 breweries operating in the States. “Beer lovers increased their appreciation for American craft brewers and their beers in 2010,” Paul Gatza of the Brewers Association said in a press release at the time….

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Make Xmas beer or be fined

While most of us like a beer with our Christmas meal, in Norway and Denmark, they REALLY like their Christmas suds. Long before Christianity made its way to the north, Norwegians celebrated the winter solstice by brewing and drinking beer to honor their Norse gods, reports VinePair. To celebrate “Jul,” a Norwegian word that in…

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Do you have what it takes?

Enjoy spending your evenings at a pub flipping beer mats? Think you’re pretty good, then buy a ticket to the UK. This February the Ship and Shovel Pub in Southampton will be holding the first world championship for beer mat flipping. Organiser Richard Banks said: “Who doesn’t want to be a world champion: All you…

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Scientists discover the secret of perfect head

Scientists using a nuclear reactor to fire neutrons at fluids to assess their foaming qualities believe they have figured out how to create the perfect head of beer. Not only will the results pave the way for smiling beer drinkers, but also for those wanting frothier coffee, better bubble baths and more efficient fire extinguishers….

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Time to buy Molson stock

You have to know when to hold, when to fold, and when to buy stock in an international brewery that will see better days this coming year. According to The Motley Fool, Molson Coors Brewing(TSX:TPX.B)(NYSE:TAP) has had a tough year, with the stock is down 12.4% year to date. The company owns the popular Carling, Rickard’s,…

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Cans make huge difference

A craft brewery believes is sales volume surpassing the 100,000-barrel mark this year due to a decision to package its two flagship beers in cans for the first time. “A huge chunk of our growth has come through cans this year,” Allagash Brewing Company sales director Naomi Neville told Brewbound. “And we only had 16…

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New ale B&B ‘freezes out’ competition

Perhaps the world’s first frozen beer igloo has arrived, giving those lucky enough to get a visit a chance to stay up all night and lick the walls. According to Greene King, the igloo is big enough for two adults and is made up of icy blocks containing over 1,000 litres of frozen ale. The…

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Far north brewery celebrates four years

Yellowknife has a lot of superlatives going for it, but one that gives its 20,000 residents the most pride is: it’s home to Canada’s northern most craft brewery. According to Fletcher Stevens, co-founder of  NWT Brewing Company, the majority of beer drunk in Yellowknife are Budweiser, Labatt’s or Kokanee. Along with blue-collar tastes, the Northwest…

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No humping reindeer on can

There are a lot of things you can put on a can a beer; too many to mention in a news article. But in the US state of North Carolina, you better not put cartoon reindeer in sexual positions, especially if it’s in Charlotte, a city known as the City of Churches. According to The…

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India’s craft brewers getting hit hard

Brewers in India will be glad to see 2019 behind them and can only hope that 2020 will prove better for craft breweries. According to The Economic Times, for the first time in a decade India’s 170 microbreweries are seeing sales drop. This is being caused by a range of problems, including: ‘dry days’ during…

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