The Brewers Journal bridges the disconnect between producers, i.e. breweries and the global supply chains that enable the final products (beers) to arrive in the hands of consumers, plus the wealth of products and services that coexist around the value chain. The Brewers Journal launched as a quarterly Canadian publication, and now in its 5th year is a trade magazine with thousands of social media followers, a series of in-person and virtual professional events, a daily-updated website and active weekly newsletter.
The primary audience of Brewers Journal Canada are Canadian breweries, which numbered around 1,250 today – a number that is growing at an ever increasing rate year after year.
This encompasses the entire spectrum of breweries across Canada such as Superflux Brewing, Dominion City, and Merit Brewing, as well as long established breweries such as Steam Whistle and Big Rock Brewing.
While their beers may be produced in Canada, these craft producers draw on inspiration from across the globe, using ingredients sourced internationally and equipment from a diverse number of manufacturers. They are ready to invest to ensure their operations are ready for the markets of tomorrow; in Canada and abroad.
Brewers Journal Canada is also aimed at microbreweries, small start-ups, and brewpubs – an increasingly popular trend in Canada that encompasses pubs that brew on-site. In addition, Brewers Journal Canada is produced with retail businesses in mind. such as liquor stores and other establishments that sell beer for consumption on-site.
Brewers Journal Canada edition comes to you from the team behind The Brewers Journal in the UK and Ireland. This print magazine reaches just shy of 100% of all breweries in its target market.

The Brewers Journal Canada brand has grown from a quarterly publication to a suite of products including virtual & live professional events, product spotlight with rich media content, social media showcase, and a complete digital offering. The breadth of products allows us to offer bespoke marketing solutions to amplify your brand and help reach your target audience with precision.


Double-Page Spread
$3,225 CAD
420mm W x 297mm H, plus 2.5mm bleed on all sides

Full Page
$2,225 CAD
210mm W x 297mm H, plus 2.5mm bleed on all sides

(½) Half Page
$1,525 CAD
Horizontal: 210mm W x 148.5mm H
Vertical: 297mm H x 105mm W,
plus 2.5mm bleed

(¼) Quarter Page
$1025 CAD
105mm W x 297mm H

Website Banner Ad (top & bottom)
$600 CAD/month
1400pixels W x 120pixels H, acceptable files in .png or .gif

Newsletter Banner Ad (reg. format)
$600 CAD/month (at least Four newsletters)
1400pixels W x 200pixels H, acceptable files in .png or .gif

Newsletter Banner Ad (large format)
$700 CAD/month (at least Four newsletters)
480pixels W x 200pixels H, acceptable files in .png or .gif

In-Person Event Partnership
Starts from $850 CAD & up
- Amplify Brand Recognition
- Physical Exhibition Booth
- Connect with New Professionals
- Leads Generation
- Products Sampling

Virtual Event Partnership
Starts from $750 CAD & up
- Brand Recognition with No Boarders
- Digital Exhibition Booth
- Leads Generation
- Live Demos, One-on-One Video Chat, and much more!
- Trackable Data
The Canadian Brewing Industry Is Ready. Are You?
Adverts Requirements
To supply your advertising please follow these guidelines:
Email adverts to Please ensure emails sizes are no larger than 10Mb. If you wish to send larger files please use a file transfer web site such as WeTransfer or Dropbox.
Please supply your file named in the following format: magazine name, volume and issue number, company name (e.g. Brewers Journal Canada 0101, Smiths Packing). We can accept files from Adobe Indesign, Adobe PhotoShop or Adobe Illustrator.
Please ensure that you supply all the necessary fonts (in Illustrator, fonts may be converted to outline to avoid this). Pictures should be saved as EPS, TIFF or JPG files with a minimum resolution of 300dpi (120dpm). Colour pictures should be supplied CMYK but not RGB. Black and white pictures should be supplied as greyscale.